Doing a Make-Up Purge

If you’ve been following along with my recent move, and the HUGE purge I did in prep for this move, then you’ll know that I achieved what I consider to be great (well, really pretty good) things in my purging of closets, drawers, and literally everything in our home. This is a subject near and dear to my heart, not only because of my move, but also because this is exactly what I help my clients do in their closets. So it’s no surprise that I am attracted to articles, blogs and videos that inspire in this area.

I recently came across this delightfully honest video by Dominique Sachse on her huge makeup  purge, where she actually films her process for our benefit. She was inspired by a book, Toss the Gloss by Andrea Q. Robinson, and jumped in with both feet and hands (and trash bags).  I had done a make-up purge prior to our move, which I talked about here, but I have to say that my ‘stash’ didn’t come anywhere close to Dominque’s – I’m a real novice.  What particularly spoke to me in this video was getting rid of the nail polishes that I’ve got squirreled away. Like Dominique (and maybe most of you?) I go to the nail salon, so I really don’t need my collection of polishes anymore. So guess what I’m going to be doing today?

This is something that should probably be done at least once a year, especially if you’re a lover of make-up, samples from cosmetic counters, and so on. Enjoy this video, then grab some trash bags and tackle those make-up drawers!

Thanks for reading!


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Meet Adena

“Outer order contributes to inner calm.” (Gretchen Rubin)

Helping my clients achieve and maintain an orderly closet and home is my passion. Whether it’s designing their dream closet…or efficient office space…or orderly garage… I help my clients look forward to facing their day.  When their environment is beautiful and functional, they can feel free to focus on what matters most in their lives. 

Are you ready for that kind of peace of mind?  Let’s talk!

