A Few Thoughts On…How to Shop Your Closet

If you’re trying to get ready to go out, pulling your hair out, before you declare you have nothing to wear, see if you already have the makings of a great new outfit in that boutique that you call a closet. “Shop Your Closet” is a term that’s thrown around a lot, and it can seem intimidating if you’ve never thrown yourself full-bore into it before. Here are a few steps to get you started:

First, collect your supplies. Set aside a two-hour block of time and the following items:

  • A pad of paper for notes
  • A portable rack set up near your closet (or an ironing board or your bed)
  • A full-length mirror

Next, pull out a basic bottom from your closet that will work this season – a pant, skirt or jean.
Take a good hard look at this piece. Is it still in great condition and does it fit? If the answer is yes, let’s work with it. Put it on your portable rack.


Now, pull from your closet any possible tops and jackets that will go with that bottom.
Check each one out. Is it in good condition and does it fit? If the answer is yes, put each one on the portable rack.

Very important here: Think outside the box.
Don’t just pull things you usually wear with this bottom – look at the rest of your closet and pull out anything that might coordinate.


Slip into the bottom piece and start trying on top and jacket options.
Keep trying things on until you come up with three new outfit combinations that “wow” you. They are in there! You will enjoy the benefits of feeling great in a new outfit from pieces you already have instead of pieces you have to purchase. It’s the fresh combination that makes them exciting.


Next, the finishing touches.
Go to your jewelry boxes and also your shoe collection and pull out some possible coordinating accessories. Play! Try on some different combinations and check yourself out in your full-length mirror. Be sure that from head-to-toe, this outfit is a nine or a ten on a scale of one to ten. If it’s only a five, create a different outfit. For example, the fuschia pumps and feather earrings make this outfit so much more interesting than just pairing it with black or tan shoes and gold or silver accessories.


Once you’ve created looks you’re happy with, take them off and organize each outfit individually
on your bed and photograph it, shoes and accessories included. Remember to get three outfits out of each bottom. You can upload them to a private board on your Pinterest account so they’re easily accessible, or if you’re more of a pen and paper kind of gal, you can write the details of the outfit on an index card and start a file labeled Great Outfits. If you find that you have holes in your wardrobe, write down the items you need to purchase and plan to shop for those first.

Now that you’ve taken the initial plunge, it should be a lot easier to shop your closet going forward. How many new outfits can you make?

Thanks for reading – stay stylish!



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Meet Adena

“Outer order contributes to inner calm.” (Gretchen Rubin)

Helping my clients achieve and maintain an orderly closet and home is my passion. Whether it’s designing their dream closet…or efficient office space…or orderly garage… I help my clients look forward to facing their day.  When their environment is beautiful and functional, they can feel free to focus on what matters most in their lives. 

Are you ready for that kind of peace of mind?  Let’s talk!

