What?! You mean I’m not perfect? Well, of course, we know we’re not perfect, but if you’re a Type A like me, it can be easy to forget to cut yourself a little slack. Add to that the FOMO world of Instagram and Facebook, where we’re constantly looking at someone’s highlight reel of their life, and then comparing the little blooper-reel of our ordinary lives to their highlight reel – well, it can do a real head-job. (Check out this photo below by comedian Celeste Barber, who has a whole schtick on showing how a real person would look when trying to recreate unbelievable Instagram shots. It’s a great dose of reality.)
So I love to get little reminders about all of this – like I did in my Inbox today. This once came from a daily email I get from The Daily Stoic:
“So don’t expect to be perfect today. Don’t expect things to be as good as they were in your head or how you practiced them. Be content to be as good as you can be, while still trying to get a little bit better next time. Because that’s how progress is made and improvement is banked—and it’s the only thing we can count on for sure. “
Just reading that cleared up a little breathing room in my head. I can forgive past mistakes, learn from them, and move on, knowing that it’s ok not to be perfect today.
This goes hand-in-hand with another of my favorite quotes (by I don’t know who):
“Don’t let the perfect be the enemy of the good.”
Sometime ‘good’ is ‘good enough’; perfect is such a hard standard to achieve – it’s a great goal, but if you can accept that your effort was your best, then maybe a ‘good enough’ result will give you the motivation to keep on going and striving for the next thing.
So don’t you feel just a little bit better now?
Thanks for reading – stay stylish!