My husband and I ran out the other day to grab some lunch and pop into the grocery to pick up a few things. It was a rainy Saturday and we were enjoying just lazing around, so when we decided to make this ‘run’ we just hopped up from our comfortable spots on the couch and hit the door. I popped on my black baseball cap with the pearl and lace decorations (as I often do when running a quick errand – solves the “I didn’t do my hair today” situation) and of course applied my usual red lipstick, but that was pretty much all the prep involved. He threw on a jacket and out we went.

This rather mundane story actually does have a point, which I’m getting to. I had run into the grocery and he into the drug store (dividing and conquering our errands) and when he walked up to me after accomplishing his, he said “I can’t believe I came out of the house looking like this. I would hate to run into someone I know right now.” Now, believe me, he didn’t look at all ‘bad’. My husband has very good taste and even when he’s very casually dressed he looks pulled together and coordinated. But he had caught a glimpse of himself in some mirror and didn’t like what he saw. He said, “This is what you’re always talking about to your clients – about taking that little bit of extra care, even when just stepping out to do errands – so that you look good. I didn’t do it and I don’t like what I’m seeing. Even us guys need to hear that.”
I don’t often talk about how guys can spruce up their casual wear but maybe a few tips are in order. It can be as simple as putting on a sweater over their casual tee-shirt, changing out the workout sneaks for dress sneakers or loafers, and/or popping a scarf around the neck of their jacket. And speaking of jackets, popping on a sport coat or leather jacket (even over a tee shirt) with jeans instantly upgrades the look. A hat changes up the look for guys just like it does for women. Now, I’ll grant you…these pictures I found as examples on Pinterest feature some very handsome guys to illustrate the point, but these tips will up the casual game in the same way for the handsome men in our own lives.
We may have to encourage this a little – just as we do it with ourselves. It only takes a minute or two to make changes that have a big impact, even if the impact is only on ourselves and how we feel. Because we’re worth it! (By the way, the title of this blog post may seem a bit odd, but it got stuck in my head and, try as I might to think of something that would work better, it just wouldn’t let go. So there it is!)
Thanks for reading!