Yes, it’s the holiday season and I love it. I’m one of those people who can put on the Christmas-music station on the TV (channel 858 on Direct TV, for those who care) and listen to it all day. The tree has been up for a couple of weeks now and my shopping is (mostly) done.
But what’s on my mind – a phrase that keeps popping up like one of those pop-up ads on a website – is ‘keeping it simple’. To me that means not getting too hyped up with the holiday hype…not stressing about things that don’t matter…and just taking time to enjoy quiet moments.
So this isn’t really a fashion-oriented post (in fact, I find that my leaning these days is more life-style encompassing than having a fashion or wardrobe-based focus.) I’ll just share a few photos and snippets of thought. Maybe you’ll be inspired to share a few of the special ways you like to savor the moments in this busy season as well.

Bucky relaxes into his warm towel after enduring the torture of a bath – sweet moments with our 15-year-old ‘puppy’

I’m quite sure we’re the most simply-decorated house in the neighborhood (not the Griswold’s, for sure) but I love it.

I especially love our door wreath, with the fake-pheasant feathers (reminds me of the farm where I grew
up in Kansas)
These next three photos show how I’m keeping outfits simple for errand-running and shopping. It’s stress-free dressing.

A look at the sentiments on my bracelet reminds me of where I want to be mentally (while the back of my mind goes – ugh! Those age spots! But I earned them legitimately, with lots of great times on the golf course and beach with my husband, so it’s ok!)

My little Christmas fairies placed in the tree and around the house make me smile every time I see them

When it’s nippy outside, I’m all good.
A little eggnnog and my book. Happy place!
Speaking of nippy – we just had the equivalent of a year’s worth of snow as I write this. I got to finish the book above and one more. Very happy place!

Keepin’ it simple. Thanks for reading!