Most women I know, even those who are totally confident in their style, tend to shy away from mixing prints and patterns. I admit it can be a bit tricky until you get the hang of it; it just takes practice. Some things to consider:
*Have at least one color in common between your prints

*Try mixing ‘like’ with ‘like’ – flowers with flowers, stripes with stripes – and choosing one print as the dominant one, until you get the hang of it. Or mix ‘like’ prints, with inverted colors.

*Pair the two prints with a neutral

*Here’s some print mixing I did the other day with a casual knit skirt and top – the stripes were the common factor, as was the black-and-white; the larger print of the skirt was the dominant print.
As with anything new, it just takes practice. Give it a try and you’ll be mixing prints like a pro before you know it.
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