This blog has suffered a bit of neglect in recent weeks. I’ve been out of communication and for very good reason. The fact is, I pushed myself out of the nest and threw myself into a new venture, a new phase in my work life. And boy was it tough to do!
For one, I wasn’t sure my 63-year-old brain could actually learn anything new of substance…and retain it (which might be more to the point.) I’ve dabbled for years in new apps and web tools and found I had an affinity for that, and I certainly have taken educational courses in my industry to stay current, but I hadn’t seriously applied myself in structured, formalized learning in many years. Could I really do it?
Well, my friends, as it turns out, after completing a two month training program, yes I could! So here’s my breaking news:
I am now a design consultant for California Closets! Yep – in addition to helping clients with their image and wardrobe dilemmas, I can now go ‘deeper into the closet’ and actually design new spaces. And it is so much fun! It’s a delight to be able to create a closet that will properly store, and even showcase, a wardrobe properly.
I feel like a kid with a new toy who wants to run around and show it to everyone and say ‘come play with me!’
Here are some of my favorite spaces from our website:

Aren’t they drool-worthy?!
I’ll be sharing more about this in days to come, but one thing I want to close with is this:
If you’ve been itching to try something new in your life, but have held back because of fear, I say ‘don’t’!
Thanks for reading – stay stylish!