I know, I know – we’re seeing lots of posts everywhere about kicking 2020 to the curb and moving on into better things in 2021. One of my favorite ones is this one:

In spite of all we’ve been through this year, I’ve got a lot of very happy memories and things I’m grateful for. Here are a few…
I got to work all year. That may sound strange but yes – working was, and is, a privilege. Not everyone was as lucky, so every day I got to work I considered it fortunate. This happened because, with everyone confined to their homes for a large part of the year, their thoughts turned to ‘feathering the nest’. This included finally dealing with their need for a better closet system, or organizing the garage or pantry, or (and this was a big one) getting their home office put together. So I was busy all year, designing these spaces for my clients, and it was so gratifying to be of service to them.
I’m no different in that regard – we got our home office put in place just as the pandemic started, and boy, was that fortunate! My husband and I both spent a lot of time there and it was so nice to have a space that was both beautiful and organized (and finally out of the boxes!)

Little things mean a lot. As an example, the small bulletin board in my section of the office, that features little keepsakes that are near and dear to me. The Iris Apfel pin that my friend, Kimber, gave me. The jeweled cross pin that my long-time friend, Jo, gave me because she said it reminded her of me (how I love that she said that!) The photo booth shots of my husband and me that we’ve taken through the years. Favorite sayings and prayers. I can look at this board and feel both inspired and grateful at the same time.

I think we all discovered in one way or another that it’s the little things in life that are the big things – close friends, quiet conversations, getting outside to take a walk, the joy of a pet (and the sorrow of saying goodbye, which we did in August, to our beloved Bucky), the ability to see family and friends and talk, thanks to technology (yes, thank you Zoom and Skype!) The list can go on and on, and I’m sure you have your own list of personal pleasures.
Getting silly with masks. Since we had to wear a mask, most of us moved on from the strictly utilitarian into masks that expressed our personality, or favorite sports team, or … whatever. This is a year we will remember for sure for the masks… not to mention the thrill of scoring some toilet paper or paper towels at the grocery… and for me, learning how to make sanitizing wipes when the stores were out.

Gratitude for essential workers. Those people who we, unfortunately, maybe never really thought much about before, but who turned out to be so important to our daily lives and who showed up for work every day, even as the virus was rapidly spreading – grocery clerks, for example and delivery people. Of course, the front-line medical workers and police and fire personnel, who we may have taken for granted as always being there, but who now were truly on the front-lines in the battle-for-life for so many people, including our own dear nieces and nephews.
It still brings tears to my eyes to see the video-clips of New Yorkers, every day showing their gratitude to the workers in their home town.
There is so much more that I’m grateful for – we’ve all got our lists and reflections – but it feels good to share just a few as we move quietly into this new year.
Thanks for reading – stay safe!