I don’t know about you but I celebrate more than one “new year” every year. The first of course is when January 1 rolls around; like many of you, I reflect on the year just passed and make plans and set goals for the coming year. Then when April arrives, and with it the warmer temps and budding blooms, I always feel like this is the next “new year”. Everything is so fresh in the Spring, isn’t it? The birds sing more, the grass is green, and I’m usually ready to put away my winter clothes and break out the lighter, brighter items in my wardrobe. Of course, I do a spring-clean in my closet, as I encourage my clients to also do.
But for me, now…the coming of Fall…signals yet another “new year. While we still have warm days ahead of us for a while, I think it’s the start of the school year that makes my mind start to turn to the crispness of Fall. I start thinking of fireplaces, hot tea or cider and my boots and weightier clothes. When I was growing up on the farm in Kansas, with it’s endless carefree summer days, when school started I was always ready because I didn’t get to see so much of my friends in the summer as I did during the school year. Plus the start of school meant getting new notebooks (I’m still a fan), pencils, and other supplies, not to mention a shopping trip to stock up on some new clothes for the year. (Although since my grandmother and mothers were great seamstresses, and sewing was a focus of mine both in Home Ec in school as well as in 4H, we didn’t purchase as many new things as we did make them. But shoes were always on the list no matter what!)

Of course, the arrival of the September issues of fashion magazines in my mailbox means that it’s time to turn my attention away from Summer and on to the season that awaits. So, I’m already starting my Fall New Year with a few projects. Maybe some of these will sound good for you as well.
What’s fitting and what isn’t?
While my weight doesn’t fluctuate much these days, the arrangement of everything seems to adjust from year to year. So I take stock of how my clothes are fitting – do they need any alterations, or are they not alterable in a meaningful way to work for me yet another season? There’s nothing worse when you’re trying to get dressed than to reach for a tried-and-true item of clothing only to find that it just doesn’t look right any more. Better to take stock and do what alterations you can ahead of time.
What still fits my style and what doesn’t?
Having now moved into my 60th decade, I’m finding that my style is changing more dramatically than it has in years past. Maybe it’s because I feel a bit free-er to experiment. But I find I’m examining items that used to be no-brainers for me and they just don’t feel like ‘me’ anymore. No matter how much I’ve loved them in the past, they just don’t ‘cut it’ anymore. Off they go!
What accessories are looking good and which ones need some help?
Are my boots in good shape or do they need a polish and new heels? Are my handbags still looking fit and ready to go? What about jackets and coats – are they ready to make an appearance? Again, any that are tired and beyond rejuvenation are ready to be handed off.
What do I need to do to add a current touch of a trend or color to spice up my wardrobe?
I never advise adding in a trend just because it’s popular in a season. But I do advise taking a look at what’s current of the moment and seeing if there’s anything that really ‘speaks’ to you as a possible update. Sometimes it’s as simple as a new necklace in a color that works with your current wardrobe, or maybe updating your footwear (maybe with a cute sneaker that’s so on-trend this season, or an oxford.) I don’t like to get into too much of a rut with my wardrobe, and I encourage my clients to think out of the box as well. Why not visit a new store and try on some things you wouldn’t have considered before. Who knows what new, fun addition you’ll find that will spark up your look?

What are you doing to get ready for the “Fall New Year”? Do share!
Thanks for reading – stay stylish!