I’ve just returned from a four-day professional retreat with my fellow image consultants in Sonoma (yes, I know..tough life!) I’m just brimming with excitement because we had a workshop on a subject near and dear to my heart – makeup updates. Turns out (no big surprise here) all of us were excited to learn new tips and techniques. Updating our makeup is crucial especially in these midlife-plus years – it’s one of the easiest ways to stay current and refreshed. We all had to show up for the workshop without makeup – luckily it was the first workshop of the day, so we didn’t have to walk around all day in public ‘au naturale’. With our own makeup in tow, we learned about primers, false eyelashes, color correction and winged eyeliner, to name just a few topics.

Granted, you can only do so much with makeup, given the raw material you have to work with (lol!), but it’s clear that eyebrow pencil, blush, eyeliner and shadow, lipstick and a little foundation go a long way in helping us feel more polished and pulled-together.
I do recommend getting a makeup refresher every couple of years, more frequently if you’ve had a change in hair color or in the condition of your skin. A quick and easy way to stay current is to watch quality makeup tutorials – which I love because you’re in the privacy of your own home and don’t feel pressured to purchase any products. Below are a few of my favorites from professional makeup artist to the stars, Lisa Eldridge. I’ll be sharing some of my favorite ‘finds’ from my makeup class in a future post, but in the meantime, enjoy these great videos!
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