You know that feeling when you’re out shopping and see something – it might even be across the store, but your eyes land on it and light up – and you say “Wait a minute – that’s got my name written all over it!” Or maybe you and a close friend are out shopping and she pulls something off the rack and says “Girlfriend! This has your name written all over it!” and you do a little gasp because, yes it does!
Well, I invite you to take a moment and think about those things in your closet that you can truthfully say that about. It might just be one or two things (hopefully more, if not all) but that’s okay. What can you point to and feel that same spark of excitement now as when you first purchased them because they have your name written all over them in invisible ink? They speak to ‘who’ you are…you feel totally ‘you’ when you wear them. You’ve probably worn them hundreds of times and can’t imagine what would happen if they got lost, or broken because you just love them so much. Dare we say they are almost like talismans?

Pull them out of your closet, take a sheet of paper and a pen and then write down what it is about those items that make them ‘you’. Are they ‘dramatic’…’romantic’…’free-spirited’…’elegant’? What are the words that describe them? Write as many as you can. Then look at those words carefully because, chances are those words are ones that are near and dear to your inner self and how you want and love to be perceived. These words are your guidepost to take with you whenever you go shopping. Because you really don’t want to be purchasing anything to put into your closet unless it invokes those words and feelings. They’ll also help you do a little purging too because anything that’s been hanging there and not making you feel as wonderfully fabulous as ‘your words’, just doesn’t belong there.
This is a lot of what I do when I work with clients in their closets, but there’s no reason you can do this little exercise on your own. You might really enjoy it, and maybe get a bit excited about the words that you come up with. I love to hear about it!
Thanks for reading!