I’ve always been into exercise – usually at an exercise class (Bar Method) or yoga session (at home) or outside walking when the weather is nice, but I have to admit my criteria is loosening up a bit these days. I find I often don’t have time for a full-on, 45-60 minutes of exercise. Plus the stretching at the beginning and end of exercise is taking on more importance. Even though I’ve always been pretty flexible, as I’ve moved into my 60’s I’m not as flexible as I once was, so the need to stretch is ever more important if I want to maintain as much flexibility as I can.
So flexibility and strength are equal partners in my exercise regimen. Yoga continues to be important in both regards (as well as balance, which becomes ever more important as time goes by) and I have found very useful, at-home, shorter sessions on-line. One of my favorite’s is Brett Larkin on YouTube – she’s got workouts for all levels and for a variety of time frames.
You might want to start with this one:
Another set of exercise routines I’ve found on-line are the PopSugar series – they too are geared for all levels and time frames. I’ve put a basic one below for you to try, but they also have short (~10 minute) workouts geared to various body-parts, depending on what you feel like working in any one day.
Lastly, as I mentioned, I consider stretching to be critical for my everyday routine. Over the years I’ve got my own collection of stretches embedded in my brain, but if you’re looking for some suggestions you can find some routines also on PopSugar, or you may want to try some of the yoga stretches I found on this site, Fit with Britt Nicole:

Have you got some exercise resources or tips that you’d like to share? I’d love to hear about them!
Thanks for reading!