I Zoom…You Zoom…We all Zoom! Or Skype…or FaceTime…don’t we? If we didn’t do it much before Corona, we are certainly doing it now. I’ve been a fan of Zoom for a long time now, and have used it for years to do closet design reviews with my clients when we aren’t able to meet face-to-face. The main difference now is that I’m doing Zoom initial design appointments as well, and it’s working surprisingly well. In fact, I think my clients are enjoying being more a part of the process, beyond just welcoming me into their home and waiting for me to ‘do my thing’. Now, I engage them in actually measuring the various spaces for me and sending me photos, etc.

In a way, these Zoom appointments are very up-close and personal in their own unique way. Plus we’re able to schedule these virtual appointments much more easily than in-person appointments because first of all, everyone’s home right now, right? And secondly, there’s no drive-time involved for me, so my availability is much better as well. I’m often able to design the space right on the spot, or within a few hours, so they can see what it looks like right away.
To get an idea of what a closet design looks when I share my computer screen, take a look…
I’m sure you’re using Zoom and other platforms in unique ways for your business as well. (There have been so many really great, fun uses of the platform, such as SGN with John Krasinski – check it out if you haven’t already.)
For family, we’re using Skype because my mother, who is 88 years old, has been using it for some time now and is comfortable with that particular technology. We gather every day at a set time – most times at least three of us four siblings make it, sometimes all of us. Even though there usually isn’t much new news, it’s still fun to check in this way.

Technology has been our friend during this unique time in history – perhaps this newer way of staying in touch will remain part of the new normal as we move forward. I know I’m a fan!
Thanks for reading – stay safe!